Domestic Journal
ARC 문제 해결을 위한 프롬프트 엔지니어링의 가능성
(The Possibility of Prompt Engineering for ARC Problem Solving)
Woochang Sim, Hyebin Jin, Sejin Kim, Sundong Kim
KIISE Transactions on Computing Practices, Vol. 30, No. 2, Feb 2024.
Shorter version: Presented at KSC 2023.
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인지 및 추론 연구를 위한 테스트베드
(Test Bed for Abstraction and Reasoning)
Subin Kim, Prin Phunyaphibarn, Donghyun Ahn, Sundong Kim
Journal of KIISE, Vol. 51, No. 1, Jan 2024.
Shorter version: Presented at KSC 2022.
Domestic Conference
ARCLE: 추상화 및 추론을 위한 강화학습 환경
(ARCLE: Gymnasium Environment for Abstraction and Reasoning Corpus)
Hosung Lee, Sejin Kim, Sundong Kim
Korea Software Congress (KSC), 2023.
(Selected as one of the best presentations in KSC 2023)
[PDF] [Github] -
월드 모델을 이용한 ARC 문제의 사전 지식 평가
(Evaluating Prior Knowledge of ARC Using World Models)
Seungpil Lee, Jihwan Lee, Sundong Kim
Korea Software Congress (KSC), 2023.
[PDF] [Poster] -
월드모델을 통한 ARC의 핵심 지식 추출
(Extracting the Core Knowledge of ARC with the World Model)
Jihwan Lee, Seungpil Lee, Sejin Kim, Sundong Kim
Korea Software Congress (KSC), 2023.
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귀납 편향 제공을 위한 색채 어텐션 학습
(Color Attention for Inductive Bias Provision)
Jiwon Park, Hosung Lee, Jaehyun Park, Sundong Kim
Korea Software Congress (KSC), 2023.
(Selected as one of the best papers in KSC 2023)
[PDF] [Poster] -
추상화 및 추론 문제 해결을 위한 대조학습
(Using Contrastive Learning for Abstraction and Reasoning Task)
Gyojoon Gu, Woochang Sim, Jaegyun Im, Sejin Kim, Sundong Kim
Korea Software Congress (KSC), 2023.
[PDF] [Poster] -
대형 언어 모델을 활용한 퓨샷 추론 문제의 데이터 증강
(Augmenting Few-Shot Demonstrations with Large Language Model)
Wongyu Seo, Woochang Sim, Sundong Kim
Korea Software Congress (KSC), 2023.
(Selected as one of the best presentations in KSC 2023)
[PDF] [Github] [Poster] -
거대언어모델의 추론능력 평가를 위한 MC-LARC 데이터셋
(MC-LARC Benchmark to Measure LLM Reasoning Capability)
Donghyeon Shin, Sanha Hwang, Seokki Lee, Yunho Kim, Sundong Kim
Korea Software Congress (KSC), 2023.
[PDF] [Dataset] [Poster] -
ARC 문제에서 그래프를 활용한 객체 탐지연구
(Object Detection On The ARC Problem Using Graph Abstraction)
Mintaek Lim, Sanha Hwang, Sabina Ualibekova, Sundong Kim
Korea Computer Congress (KCC), 2023.
[PDF] [Library] -
의사결정 트랜스포머를 사용한 추상화와 추론
(Abstraction and Reasoning Challenge with Decision Transformer)
Jaehyun Park, Jaegyun Im, Youngdo Lee, Donghyeon Shin, Sejin Kim, Sundong Kim
Korea Computer Congress (KCC), 2023.
[PDF] [ICMLW version] -
ARC 문제 해결을 위한 프롬프트 엔지니어링의 가능성
(Engineering Prompts for the ARC Challenge)
Woochang Sim, Hyebin Jin, Sejin Kim, Sundong Kim
Korea Computer Congress (KCC), 2023.
(Selected as one of the best presentations in KCC 2023)
Longer version: Published at KIISE Transactions on Computing Practices.
[PDF] -
인지 및 추론 연구를 위한 Mini-ARC 벤치마크 데이터
(Playgrounds for Abstraction and Reasoning)
Subin Kim, Prin Phunyaphibarn, Donghyun Ahn, Sundong Kim
Korea Software Congress (KSC), 2022.
(Selected as one of the best papers in KSC 2022)
Longer version: Published at Journal of KIISE.
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텍스트와 이미지 데이터를 활용한 관세 품목 분류 모델 분석
(Text and Image Data Analysis for Customs Item Classification)
Sihyeon Kim, Eunji Lee, Sundong Kim, Meeyoung Cha
Korea Computer Congress (KCC), 2022.
[PDF] -
집단 공정성을 고려하는 자기 지도 대조 학습
(Group-Wisely Fair Self-Supervised Contrastive Learning)
Chaeyoon Jeong, Sungwon Han, Sundong Kim, Meeyoung Cha
Korea Software Congress (KSC), 2021.
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Classification of Goods Using Text Descriptions With Sentences Retrieval
Eunji Lee, Sundong Kim, Sihyun Kim, Sungwon Park, Meeyoung Cha, Soyeon Jung, Suyoung Yang, Yeonsoo Choi, Sungdae Ji, Minsoo Song, and Heeja Kim
Korean Artificial Intelligence Association (KAIA), 2021.
Longer version: ACM TIST.
[PDF] [TIST version] -
쇼핑몰 상품 카테고리 분류를 위한 Hyperbolic Interaction Model의 적용과 분석
(Hyperbolic Interaction Model for Category Classification in E-Commerce)
Sihyeon Kim, Eunji Lee, Sungwon Park, Meeyoung Cha, Sundong Kim
Korea Computer Congress (KCC), 2021.
[PDF] [Video] -
거시적 동선 정보에 기반한 고객 재방문 예측
(Customer Revisit Prediction Using Macroscale Mobility Information)
Beomyoung Kim, Sundong Kim, Sejin Kim, Jae-Gil Lee
Korea Software Congress (KSC), 2019.
[PDF] [Poster] [Technical Report] [Slides] -
과거 상황 정보의 변동 양상을 활용한 인간의 중단 가능성 예측 모델 연구
(Exploiting Change Patterns of the Past Context Data on Human Interruptibility Prediction)
Minsoo Choy, Minseo Kang, Minseok Kim, Sundong Kim
Korea Computer Congress Winter Conference (KCC), 2017. (Best Paper Award)
[Link] [PDF] -
와이파이 모니터링 기술로 센싱된 고객들의 매장 내부 이동 패턴들을 이용한 재방문 예측
(Predicting Customer’s Revisit Intention Using Indoor Movements in Stores by Wi-Fi Monitoring)
Sundong Kim, Jae-Gil Lee
Korea Software Congress (KSC), 2016.
[Link] [PDF] -
한국어 디비피디아의 자동 스키마 진화를 위한 방법
(A Method of Automatic Schema Evolution on DBpedia Korea)
Sundong Kim, Minseo Kang, Jae-Gil Lee
Spring Conference of the Korea Information Processing Society (KIPS), 2014.
[PDF] [Slides]
Customer Revisit Prediction Using In-Store Sensor Data
(매장 내 센서 데이터를 활용한 고객 재방문 예측)
Sundong Kim
Ph.D. dissertation, Industrial & Systems Engineering (Graduate School of Knowledge Service Engineering), KAIST, 2019.
[PDF] [Slides] -
Maximizing Influence over a Target User through Friend Recommendation
(특정 사용자로의 영향력을 최대화하는 친구 추천 방법)
Sundong Kim
Master’s thesis, Industrial & Systems Engineering, KAIST, 2015.
[PDF] [Slides]