Machine Learning and Deep Learning

Fall 2023

  • Schedule: Mon/Wed 1:00pm-2:30pm
  • Location: GIST College Building C, Room 104
  • Class Information: See this page


Herebelow, you can find the tentative schedule of the course. ISL refers to Introduction to Statistical Learning (ISL) textbook.

Date       Description Readings Homeworks
8/28 Introduction ISL Ch.1  
8/30 Statistical Learning ISL Ch.2  
9/4 Statistical Learning    
9/6 Linear Regression ISL Ch.3  
9/11 Linear Regression   HW1 due
9/13 Classification ISL Ch.4  
9/18 Classification    
9/20 Resampling Methods (+ Project Announcement) ISL Ch.5  
9/25 Linear Model Selection and Regularization   HW2 due
9/27 Linear Model Selection and Regularization ISL Ch.6  
10/2 National Holiday    
10/4 Moving Beyond Linearity ISL Ch.7  
10/9 National Holiday    
10/11 Moving Beyond Linearity    
10/16 Tree-Based Methods ISL Ch.8 HW3 due
10/18 Tree-Based Methods (+ BART slides)    
10/23 Midterm (1:00pm - 3:00pm)    
10/30 Midterm review    
11/1 Support Vector Machines ISL Ch.9  
11/6 Survival Analysis and Censored Data ISL Ch.11 HW4 due
11/8 Survival Analysis and Censored Data    
11/13 Unsupervised Learning ISL Ch.12  
11/15 Unsupervised Learning Youtube  
11/20 Deep Learning ISL Ch.10 HW5 due
11/22 Deep Learning    
11/27 Multiple Testing ISL Ch.13  
11/29 Multiple Testing    
12/4 Poster presentation   HW6 due
12/6 Last lecture    
12/11 Final Exam (1-3pm)    
12/13     Report due
